About me, my skills, projects and activities

Hi! My name is Tanya and I’m a frontend developer.

I'm fond of the web. I like to learn and explore something new about development and gain useful developer skills. My main professional goal is helping to create accessible, adaptive, and user-friendly interfaces which people like.

I write and translate articles about accessibility, write posts about it in my blog, and sometimes I have talks. Also, I'm a co-organizer of the first Russian language meetup about accessibility pitera11y_meetup.

A pale girl with mousy-brown neck-length hair and grey and green eyes. Her head slightly turn to the right. She is wearing a navy blue shirt.

Skills 🧠

Hard Skills

  • HTML5, Pug, Nunjacks.
  • CSS3, Sass/SCSS/Stylus.
  • BEM.
  • Accessibility.
  • Git.
  • Gulp, Parcel.
  • JavaScript (ES6).
  • Basics of TypeScript.
  • Newcomer in Angular and React.
  • 11ty, Next.js.

Extra Skills

  • Basics of UX/UI Design and Typography.
  • Graphics.
  • Basics of SEO.
  • English, B2.
  • Russian, native.


  • WebStorm, VS Code.
  • GitHub and GitLab.
  • Jira, Trello, Notion.
  • Storybook.
  • Figma, Zeplin, Avocode.

Projects 🧪

Accessibility Guidelines

The multi-page site. It contains recommendations about accessibility for developers and designers teams.


Stylus CSS Grid System

CSS Grid Layout with Stylus. This is like Bootstrap 4 system but with grid and CSS preprocessor.

PugStylusBootstrap 4Gulp

Activities 🎤

Sometimes I join an IT-podcasts and have talks at meetups and conferences about you can guess the topic 😉 Once I drove a big collective Twitter account for developers called jsunderhood.

Articles and Translations

I like to share my knowledge with other people and learn something new by myself. Therefore I write and translate texts about accessibility when I don't write a code.

Here are a few of my articles.

You can find a complete list of my posts, articles, and translations on GitHub.


This is the first Russian language meetup about accessibility. The audience is various. The meetup is for developers, designers, QA engineers, technical writers, and everybody else who is a part of creating something on the Internet.

I like other organizers who find speakers, help to make talks, arrange with owners of platforms and places, write announcements and create graphics. The most interesting part of it add manual Russian captions for the meetup video. There is a list of every talks on YouTube.

An inclusive pixel corgis. One of them is wearing sunglasses. The second one have an injury paw. The third one have an eye patch. The last one is wearing a glasses.

Contacts 📬

Now I'm looking for a job opportunity. If you want to see my CV, share open positions, or just say ‘Hi 👋’ then you can write an email to [email protected]. Also, you can find me on Telegram messenger. Just search @fokina_tatiana.